Science Illustration and Informatics

3d image of a molecule

3D model of a red-bellied woodpecker near a tree with pine cones.

Art, science and technology are combined to create informative and engaging content.

3D Eastern Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)

3D model of a Eastern Skunk Cabbage in late winter with melting snow around its base.

Link to Skunk Cabbage Animation

Mourning Dove Dimorphism

These are drawings I made of a male and female mourning dove rendered in color pencil as part of a zoology project on mourning dove migration behavior.

color pencil drawing of mourning doves

Storyboard for the project.

storyboard showing bird migration patterns

Intersection of Ornithology and Human Factors

color pencil drawing of a nest of birds with gape flanges

Giraffe Patches: Protection for Juveniles and Help with Thermoregulation

color pencil drawing and 3D models showing giraffes and their skin patches

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